Parish School of Religion


PSR Classes begin September 17th. These classes will be held on the first and third Sundays of each month. PSR classes will be after the 10:30 Mass. PSR classes will end promptly at 1:30 pm. The complete schedule of class dates is available at the link below.

Lunch will be provided in the Parish Center after Mass for PSR students and family members. Lunch will be served on the first floor. After lunch PSR staff will guide students to their 2nd floor classrooms.

Classes last until 1:30 pm. Family members are encouraged to stay after Mass for lunch and fellowship. If you are not able to stay during the class time, please pick up promptly at 1:30 pm those for whom you are responsible.

First communion preparation will be part of the PSR classes for 2nd and 3rd grades. First communion preparation classes will be held at the regular PSR times.

Confirmation classes will be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the regular PSR times in the Parish Center.

A list of class groups and teachers is available at the link below.

A registration form is available at the link below. IF you have not pre-registered, please complete one form for each child you are registering.

Registration Form for PSR, first communion, and confirmation

Schedule for PSR Classes and Youth Masses

Teacher list for PSR, first communion and Confirmation



Holy Spirit PSR Watchful Wednesday Meditation. March 19th, 2025


Awe and mystery are two things we may have lost the emotion for in the world today. I am not thinking of the man made things, but the things of God and nature. Awe the awareness of that which takes your breath away. Albert Einstein quotes “…[they] who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, are as good as dead.” Is that how you are feeling? It is time to recapture seeing the world in awe as we have enough of cruel reality. Take the time to shut down the ugly. Breathe some of that fresh spring air and feel that wind on your cheeks as a kiss from God. Wind we cannot see , it is there ,but we can only feel it or see what it does. Only our Creator could come up with that idea. How about those bugs coming back to life, take a closer look and see their tiny details .Watch the moon go from phase to phase and wonder what God was thinking when that got put in the sky. Look at the ground and see those crocuses and daffodils popping up. How do they break through that hard dirt and stand straight? Find some awe in every day to give a good cause to pray.

     Mystery adds another delightful spin to life. Not everything in God’s world comes with a complete explanation. We have the Trinity- -One God in Three Persons . Yes we believe , but do we completely understand. If we are honest the answer is no and that is where faith comes in, a trust in God and His ways. Simple bread and wine changed into Christ’s Body and Blood. The look hasn’t changed ,but our souls know Jesus is really there. We also have Jesus’s words “I am the Bread of Life and whoever eats of this Bread will live forever .” Some ran away and others stayed even though they did not completely understand the mystery. How about you? One big mystery to ponder this Lenten season is how could  a King  die on a cross for the sins of all humanity ? What kind of  man would do that ? Get to know Jesus a little more and the answer might be less of a mystery.


P.S. moment

from a thought from Pat Shields a Bible study teacher –Lent means Spring . In spring a farmer gets the soil ready to sow seeds. In Lent Jesus gets your soul ready to sow God’s word.


P.S.S. moment

Of course some music — “Flowers” by Samantha Ebert and Seph Schlueter

 and Blessed St. Joseph’s Feast Day –a real mystery man.